About this site

This site is the culmination of nearly 2 months of work that began in September of 2009, work that continues today.

Sort Details of PHONE BOOK:

  1. Phone Book: PHP and MySQL.
  2. Description: Developed a web based phone book using PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML and JavaScript.
  3. Key features: add, edit and delete record.
  4. For live demo please visit.
  5. Word Wide Web

Sort Details of Ancient India

  1. Ancient India: PHP MySql
  2. Description: Developed a web based Ancient India using PHP, MySql, JavaScript CSS, HTML and CSS.
  3. Key Features: including an analysis of the data we gathered and the design decisions that were based on that data, by selecting the appropriate links at left.
  4. For Live Demo Please visit:
  5. World Wide Web
  6. This site is universally accessible and meets the World Wide Web standards for valid PHP, MySql, XHTML, JAVA Scripts, and CSS code.
  7. I special thanks to my best friend Manoj Kumar who encouraged me to build a site and who took the time to view the design iterations and provide feedback.

Your contributions were invaluable. Thank you...