About this site
This site is the culmination of nearly 2 months of work that began in September of 2009, work that continues today.
Sort Details of PHONE BOOK:
- Phone Book: PHP and MySQL.
- Description: Developed a web based phone book using PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML and JavaScript.
- Key features: add, edit and delete record.
- For live demo please visit.
- Word Wide Web
Sort Details of Ancient India
- Ancient India: PHP MySql
- Description: Developed a web based Ancient India using PHP, MySql, JavaScript CSS, HTML and CSS.
- Key Features: including an analysis of the data we gathered and the design decisions that were based on that data, by selecting the appropriate links at left.
- For Live Demo Please visit:
- World Wide Web
- This site is universally accessible and meets the World Wide Web standards for valid PHP, MySql, XHTML, JAVA Scripts, and CSS code.
- I special thanks to my best friend Manoj Kumar who encouraged me to build a site and who took the time to view the design iterations and provide feedback.